Own your





Unlock the power of your vehicle data. 
It’s time to get rewarded for what’s already yours.

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You drive a connected car...
So what?

Connected cars are super convenient, but they are also a privacy nightmare! Modern cars know way more than your driving habits or your favorite playlist. Some even track your “sexual activities” and sell all that data! Even your passengers are ‘tracked’, if they are using Google Maps or streaming services. 

Connected cars collect 25 GB of data per hour (that’s like 5000 pictures)!

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Data hungry machines
on wheels

Connected cars are basically snitching on you, sending a steady stream of data straight to a server owned by your car's brand. And guess what? That data is being sold! According to McKinsey, the vehicle data market is set to skyrocket to $750 BILLION.

I want a piece of that 750 billion ↘

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ZERO! Nada!

That’s how much car manufacturers pay you today for stealing your vehicle data. They take it, they sell it, and you get absolutely nothing! What if YOU could get rewarded every time you hit the road? Let’s flip the script and put the power - and the profits - back in your hands!

Earn rewards for YOUR data ↘

Your Car, Your Data,
Your Money

WAGOI is on a mission to change vehicle data ownership forever. Instead of car brands cashing in on your driving data, imagine a world where you earn perks and benefits simply by driving. This shift puts you, the driver, in control of your own data, allowing you to profit from it. 

Take control ↘




Wait - I get rewarded for sharing vehicle data? Yep!

When you share your vehicle data, you unlock a world of rewards tailored just for you. Turn your driving habits into real benefits and take control of your data’s value. 

Join Today 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is the WAGOI App free for us? Or do we have to pay for it? 

The answer is simple—it would be pretty hypocritical if we charged users for this. We believe that your data should be FREE for you. After all, you’ve already paid for the car, or you’re leasing it. 

Now, it’s possible that down the line our brilliant developers might create some premium features, like advanced charging reports or long-term data storage. In that case, sure, there could be a cost—but that’s a choice for the consumer. 

The bottom line is this: your data is your right, and that should always be free. Period.

Hold on a second—am I required to share data to use the app? 

Nope. As mentioned, you have complete freedom over your data. If you choose not to share any data, that's totally fine—you just won’t earn tokens. But that’s entirely your decision. You’re not obligated to do anything.

It’s your data; you control it.

Tokens?? Does that mean I’ve stumbled into some sketchy crypto scam? 

Nope! Our loyalty tokens are just like the old-school stamp cards you used to get at your favorite shops. Earn tokens for sharing data, then trade them in for real rewards—like renewing your insurance, getting new tires, or even cashing out like you would on a stock exchange. It’s your vehicle data, and these tokens are yours to keep or spend however you like. You’re in control! Always!

How are you going to make money if you're giving us the data for free? Are you selling our data?

Well, first of all, WAGOI is a foundation based in Switzerland. And let me be crystal clear: we will NEVER—and I mean NEVER EVER—sell your data. To anyone. Not now, not ever!

We make money when you trade your data through the marketplace. Every time a transaction happens on the platform, we earn a commission. 

Simple, transparent, and clear. That’s how we operate.

How do you get my vehicle data from the car manufacturer? They’re not just handing it over for free, right?

Well, we leverage the EU Data Act, which requires car manufacturers to provide your data directly to you—the consumer. We’ve simply built a neutral platform that makes it easy and transparent for you to access that data.
When you sign up on our platform, you’re essentially requesting your own data from the manufacturer. We’re just the bridge that makes it happen—simple, secure, and in your control.

Is my data stored on some little server in a hobby room? Or maybe in a non-EU country? 

Nope. We operate redundantly with several cloud providers and leverage blockchain to immutably track the data we receive. This ensures your data is safe and secure. We also clearly differentiate between personal data and vehicle-related data. Communication with all our data partners occurs solely based on your VIN—your vehicle's unique identifier.

I’m a fan, but I can’t find your app in the App Store or Play Store? 

Our app is still in active development and will be released in stages. If you want to be the first to know when it’s ready, make sure to sign up for our waiting list. We're testing our app in a private beta launch—spots are already full. But subscribe to the waiting list for our public launch, expected in Q2 2025!

So, you're a business—an insurer, a leasing company, a dealership, or roadside assistance—and you're interested in vehicle data from your customers. How does that work?

We've set up a dedicated platform called WAGBI—We Are Gonna Build It. You’ll find all the information there.In short, every company is welcome on our marketplace as long as you provide value to the drivers. You get to choose what data you want—like mileage—and how much you’re willing to reward for it in tokens. The driver gives consent, activating a smart contract that ensures the data flows to you and the driver receives their tokens.This marketplace allows you to manage multiple smart contracts seamlessly. More details to follow soon.

Take Control,
Earn Rewards!